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The Beam Team

I have been thinking a lot lately about what it means to be faithful. Faithful to my family, faithful to my friends, faithful to my job, and faithful to the Lord. One definition I found says to remain loyal and steadfast. Another passage I read says faithfulness comes from a place of trust and loyalty. Still another passage I read said that faithfulness is a process. In other words, when you are faithful, you are true to your word, you are steady, you are reliable.

Last week, Jason and I went to a funeral visitation for one of the most faithful men I have ever known. When I think of him seeing Jesus for the first time, there is no doubt that Jesus said to him, well done - my good and faithful servant.

Do you have people in your life who are faithful? People who walk beside you through any situation - good and bad? God has gifted me with faithful loved ones that I depend on to walk this road with us. Those loved ones are faithful, no matter what.

I want to teach Lily and Micah how to be faithful. Faithful in the little things so that they can be faithful in the big things.

Thank you for your faithfulness in praying for our family.

When you pray for us, please pray these things:

Lilyś next chemo is Thursday. Please pray that she will tolerate the medicine and that her nausea will be managed.

Pray that the chemo is doing exactly what it is meant to do.

Pray that Micah will feel secure and loved.

Pray for Jason as he continues to work to provide for our family.

Pray that I would not worry about tomorrow, just focus on today.

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.

Hebrews 10:23

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These past two weeks have been hard for Lily. The chemo has really affected her this time. She is nauseated most of the time, does not...



Nov 18, 2020

I am praying for your sweet family!! Sandy Cole's Foundation


Joan McKinney
Joan McKinney
Nov 18, 2020

Lord Jesus Christ, please supernaturally direct the chemotherapy that Lily will take tomorrow to the exact cells that need it to make Lily healthy, and please leave the healthy cells unharmed. I pray that Lily's body will receive the chemo and not cause any nausea or ill feelings whatsoever. I pray for the whole family to dwell in the secret place with You, Lord God Almighty, so that they will be able to rest in Your shadow. Please be their Refuge and their Fortress because they are trusting in You. Lord, give them something to laugh about today, because laughter does good like a medicine and in the laughter, please let Your joy be their strength. In Jesus' mighty name…


Thank you!

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