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Weekend Update . . .

The Beam Team

Honestly, this is harder than I thought. The last time our family had to update on a website it was not an effort to find the right words. The words came easily. I was able to get my thoughts down pretty easily, get the important information out there, and then move on to the next thing. This time is hard. We want to share what is going on with Lily, but we want to be respectful of what she wants as well. Having a 1 year old fight cancer in one thing. Having a 9 year old fight is another. But, having a 13 year old girl walk this path brings an entirely new set of challenges. We want to consider her feelings and as much as possible. We are carefully finding a balance between what we know has to be done and giving her choices whenever we can.

This weekend was great for our family. We were able to watch some football, see some family, eat some yummy food, and just enjoy being together.

She did have her treatment on Thursday. She got two chemo drugs, and handled it like a champ. This week, we will go in on Thursday and she will have another round of chemo. She will also have tests run to see how the treatment is progressing. Once we get those results, we will know the next steps to take.

We continue to make adjustments to the levels of insulin that she is taking through her daily shots. Our prayer continues to be that when the steroids are not part of Lilyś treatment, that the diabetes will resolve.

Please pray for Lily this week as she should be feeling good. We want to take advantage of the good days to make them as normal as possible for her.

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Ammy Estes Whaley
Ammy Estes Whaley
Oct 05, 2020

Praying for you Lily! <3


Oct 05, 2020

Praying for sweet Lily and your family


Oct 05, 2020

I’m praying without ceasing! Love you!


Oct 04, 2020

Prayers with ❤️And hugs


Brandy Crumly
Brandy Crumly
Oct 04, 2020

Love you Lily! ❤️


Thank you!

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